Why I choose to 'celebrate' my body

There’s a lot of messages around these days about ‘loving your body’ and ‘loving the skin you’re in’, which I think is amazing. I’m so here for the body positivity movement.
I’ve been thinking though…
I don’t know if the word ‘love’ can feel a bit strong sometimes. Especially all day every day.
There are days where I don’t love my body. When I’m premenstrual and feel full of fluid and larger than normal, it can be really hard to feel good on the outside.
In the body positivity space, I know the word ‘body acceptance’ has a had more of a push lately, which may feel more achievable.
But I want to plant a word in your mind that has helped me lately and that is ‘celebration’.
When I think about the incredible things my body does for me, the experiences and life it has carried me through, I start to ponder the miraculousness of my being.
We’ve had our ups and downs in health for sure. But it’s always managed to provide for me. And for that, I want to celebrate my body. Treat it to movement, fuel it with nourishing foods and live a full life.
Whatever words you use, I hope that today you can just move the needle a little to bettering your relationship with your body. And maybe celebrate it’s miraculous workings 🎉