I'm coming home

Dear younger self,
Here’s a lesson you will learn throughout your life. You’ve always been an independent soul, but at times, you look for your needs to be fulfilled by others.
You can’t turn people into homes.
People are lakes, rivers, oceans.
People flow. People change. They aren’t constant. And that’s ok.
Because you know what has been your home your whole life? And what will be forever?
Your body.
You are your only true home.
Your body has provided you shelter, comfort and warmth. And always will.
Sure, it has had its ups and downs. You’ve had to have the plumbing fixed, a few wires reconnected and the carpet has a few scuff marks.
But it holds beautiful memories on the mantelpiece.
There’s always a glass of water on the bedside table.
The foundations have stayed firmly in place.
The heart of the home holds so much love.
And there is so much light shining in and out of the windows.
Sometimes people might tell you how to paint your walls, or that the decor is not ‘in fashion’. But styles come and go. Your home lasts forever.
Sometimes you make look at other homes on the street to compare. But this home is yours. It is warmly familiar, it keeps you safe, and it is beautiful in its own way.
When you feel lost or without direction, come home to yourself.
To your sanctuary.
Snuggle up in a warm blanket by the fireplace.
You are home.
📷 by @mbrandphotography
This is what this month’s limited print ‘Abode’ is all about. There’s only two days left to get your hands on this print.
Place your order here to have this reminder in your home.