November moodboard: Love Suits You

Welcome to the moodboard for November (albeit a little late).
This month’s mood is the inspiration behind my brand new mini collection of prints coming out this month.
For a long time, I have been defensive about love. I feel my walls come up, I know that I’ve been hard.
This past year I’ve been working really hard to soften myself. To let love in.
And I’m not just talking romantic love, I mean friendship and self love.
When you first start, I think sometimes you just have to fake it a little.
It’s like putting on a suit. You try things on for size. It’s like surrounding yourself in a gorgeous piece of fabric, or with different acts of love. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first.
But over time, it settles. You feel more comfortable. You soften.
And then it’s like it becomes a second skin.
Then you walk with a confidence you didn’t know you had. Knowing that you are so loved.
That is my theme for this month and the inspiration behind ‘Suited’, a small collection of five prints, coming soon.
I’m having the five pieces photographed tomorrow, so I’ll update with you more soon. And I’ll also be working on some corresponding patterns that I will add to the pattern library.