Bare Self

There are some truly amazing women in this world. Women wanting to make a difference. Women wanting to empower other women. Women who have walked through fire and are now turning around to offer a hand to the women behind them. ⠀
Chloe, Natalee and Jasmine are three of these women. ⠀
When I first sat down at my local cafe to meet with these ladies, I was greeted with absolute warmth and enthusiasm. ⠀
With a new business in the works, they knew they wanted a brand that would stand out and sing, but they weren’t sure what that would involve. We got right down into the core of why they are creating this business, and found that it was really about giving women permission to practice self love. ⠀
And that self love may be different for each woman. It may look like a run in the park, binge watching Netflix, having a cry or indulging in a Bare Self wellness moment. Bare Self encourages women to do whatever it is they need to do to be with their bare selves and feel at peace. ⠀
So how could we visually communicate this idea of ‘permission’ in the brand’s visual identity? A permission slip? ⠀
We decided to use the hand-drawn underline and dot to show this message.
We then rolled out this branding to the packaging design for their first product ‘Her Chocolate’.