Your body is a work of art

In the lead up to Christmas, I often become quite harsh on my body. The extra social catch ups, the treats here and there and also a little bit of emotional eating. And then cue the ‘new year, new me’ posts. And I feel the pressure to start a new exercise regime and feel disappointed in myself for not having been consistent at the gym.
I worry about the little bit of weight I’ve put on recently and worry that it’s going to get worse.
But I am choosing to be kind to my body. And know this season will pass. Our bodies have processed so much trauma and stress this year. I am alive and healthy, I am good. I am safe. I am happy.
I hope you know always that your body is a work of art. It tells a story of your journey. Every stretch mark, every scar, every dimple, every roll. It’s a masterpiece. You were created with beauty and innovation.
I hope my artwork always makes you feel that way. Having seen many naked bodies to base my drawings off, I know that we are all so beautifully different.
Be kind to yourself. And give yourself permission to enjoy this season, while simultaneously loving your body.